Sunday, May 31, 2009

Insult to all Maharashtrians and Maharashtrian culture- YAWN!!

MNS has a film wing. How funny is that? I really rolled on the floor laughing when I read that the ‘MSN film wing’ has been angered by Rekha’s remark on a BLAH issue. I just love it when Raj Thackeray goes on saying how some celebrity’s comment is an insult to all Maharashtrians and Maharashtrian culture.

I’m sure the job of the film wing is to scan newspapers every morning and watch TV in the evenings and see if some big celebrity has passed an unusual statement that they can connect to the Marathi man and then push it to be an insult and then wreak havoc in the city and then gain publicity. Raj will be questioned for a while in the station, there will be an unbailable warrant issued in his name and yet he will be sleeping comfortably in his bedroom at night. The spineless policemen and the lethargic judiciary should be the ones who are an insult to all Maharashtrians and Maharashtrian culture.

Coming back to the film wing… I am really curious to know how they start their day. Probably, they make a list of actors whose popularity has increased off late, make sure he is not from Maharashtra and then either wait for him or her to slightly tilt the wagon and then BOOM… the rampage begins.

I am really glad for Marathi cinema which is coming up. Not that I watch a lot of regional stuff, but rooting for the underdog always makes me believe in the word hope. I wonder if the ‘MSN film wing’ does anything for Marathi cinema or is their time and money devoted to imbecilic remarks against the glamdom.

It’s still surprising that these idiots still play the Maharashtra card despite the nation voting against Hindutva, racism, communalism, etc. Another insult to all Maharashtrians and Maharashtrian culture.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Funny Filmy Quote I have heard in a long time...

Sahil Gupta : "How can someone cast Tara Sharma in a lead role and name the movie 'suno na' !?!

Voting and Gloating

A little too late in the day… sorry but I had to mention this… ideally this post should have come two weeks ago when I cast my vote but it’s coming on the day of the results…

It all began when I read on the front page of some tabloid which said that our very responsible and publicity hungry Shah Rukh Khan flew down all the way from South Africa leaving the IPL just to cast his vote. Isn’t that something? I really wish we had such celebrities who would make a difference… RUBBISH!!

‘People expect politicians to solve problems immediately. But it’s not that easy. It takes time. That’s why we should vote and give a chance to better people’, this is what the biggest star in the country said.

Off course, this comes exactly a few days after Aamir Khan also said he came back from the U.S. just to cast his vote. And off course he forgot to mention that he would be shaking a leg for a big fatty’s Indian wedding in a few days where apparently he had been paid a bomb. Yeah, strangely since his KKR isnt really on a row, this producer, actor, entrepreneur decided to make money by other means. Nothing wrong in that, but don’t give me crap that you came from South Africa just to vote…

PR is a booming business… even my Wilson college has hired an agency for Christ’s sake. Thanks for voting Shah Rukh… no thanks for gloating!!

Final Screening at Universal

This video was taken during the final screening of the March 8 week film-making students films at Universal Studios. Was pretty good and was attended by class-mates and their families and friends. Also some members of the cast were present as well. Liked Luis and Sabine's movie the best.

Our direction professor Joshua Adler gave away our certificates. This video was shot by my class mate Carol Bermudez.